What a pair--one was snoozing/watching the KU game--one was snuggling by his Pop. Spencer has certainly moved into our home and hearts--such a sweet little pup and such good company for us. The other two "boys" enjoy him also---who'd have thought we would have ever had another dog let alone 3 more. They are all very therapeutic for us---especially Pop. He seems to be a Pom magnet--always has one close by if not all three.
Supposed to be 40 degrees here today---currently 21----burrr! Thinking about gardening, reading plant books, trying to get ideas for the upcoming season. Replanting the snake (mother-in-laws tongue) plant today---Kelli gave me the plant years ago. Noted hers was replanted in a gorgeous pot when I last visited her house.
Wanted to include a Kelli pic of Mr Jax standing at at the entry of the Klepper greenhouse by the marvelous bean plant. Kelli planted the beans by seed and called this pic "Jax and the Beanstalk."

Please see Linda's comments yesterday regarding her dad's recuperation. Our family has more requests for good thoughts and prayers out there than one could imagine----really keeping God, angels, and saints busy. Thinking of all of you----please stay well, healthy, and close to one another today.
Pop just left for McD's for the daily meeting. Pop is holding his own. Will call Thursday and request lab work---thinking hgb will be at 8 or lower---due to his pale complexion and shortness of breath.
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