Sunday, February 22, 2009

Additional Sightings

"For Sonny Days" sightings continue in Virginia on the wrists of Jennifer, Madelyn and the 2 Ryans (Madelyn in red and Ryan in black are Kurt and Linda's).   Ryan and Madelyn are staying with their friends while their parents are in Wichita.

And blue wristbands have been spotted at Ratzlaff Orthodontics in Wichita, Becky (3rd from left) and her co-workers Lori, Sara and Tonya are showing off wristband pride and have even posted evidence of their support on Tonya's blog too.  Rumor has it even Dr. Ratzlaff is sporting a blue band.

And, in Minneapolis, at Pepitos, they're wearing the bands while sharing hot salsa and suds.

Keep sharing the photos and support . . . and thanks.

Love, Kat

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