Got a lot accomplished yesterday, hope my trash men will not develop hernias emptying my trash---that is if I can pull the trash container to the curb---cleaned out canned goods and disposed of outdated food---what a shame---plan to buy only what I need and not stock up on sales. Note the reorganized cabinet.
The "boys" loved it as I was on the floor and crawling back and forth across the floor shuffling cans from one cabinet to the other. Can tell you are all looking forward to retirement so you too can do trivial silly things like this. Have more to clean out if there are any offers to help---This does keep me off the streets.
All you must do today is stay safe, keep healthy, and be in touch.
Wow, I hope to have your energy when it's time for me to retire...wish it could be next month!
Oh you silly twit---we will hope you can redirect your energy to saving the world not rearranging cabinets---all that schooling and I am resigned to cleaning out cabinets----though it does beat the heck out of 9 to 5 any day.
Love ya, M.
what's this 9 to 5 schedule? I work for The Zim!
does anyone actually eat hominy???
OMG! Kurt double clicked!
Kat----lost myself there and forgot you do not do a 9 to 5.
Kurt---Jo Mama eats hominy and your point is-----????
I am glad there are some double clickers---you have to appreciate the details.
Love ya,
See Vicki's comment on ashplva4 blog re Thanksgiving & Pumpkin Pie. Thoughts?
I am a pretty good shot--Dress Vicki up like a rabbit and I bet I can hit the mark at 50+ feet. Might need to call in a clean up crew---could get real messy!
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