Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Days

Back from Mass, having coffee, watching a humming bird flutter around the hanging plants on front porch, and planning the rest of the day. Great day, weather is beautiful, no wind, 67 degrees.

Busy day yesterday. Got vines (sweet autumn clematis, lace vine) and 3 beautiful ajuga plants. Stretched netting over the arbor, spread top soil around low areas in the yard, getting ready to lay out the pathway to arbor and put the vines/plants in the ground.

Have more to share about the path and arbor. Received an e-mail from Linda yesterday and asked her if I could pass it own. "Soon after Pop passed away mom and I discussed an idea for a stepping stone. I pictured a cross with an outpouring of "Ray(s)". The attached picture is what she designed from my description and created in stain glass. I wanted you to have something that represented Christ at the center of our lives, His outpouring of warmth (love) for you and something that represented our love 'For Sonny Days'. I hope that rather than be a painful reminder of loss you see this stepping stone and remember the wonderful life you and Pop shared for so many years. "

Thought this would be a nice ending to today's blog. Love, Mom

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