Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall is Here

Officially Fall---45 degrees, sunshine, crisp morning, no breeze. Feel a pumpkin pie craving coming on. Enjoyed the "boys" being at the groomer yesterday--had the house/yard all to myself---got all but two of the ornamental grasses planted and moved a trellis. The "boys" are enjoying the cool morning (Double clck to see Spencer messing w/Rowdy). Painters called and are planning on coming as soon as the sun warms/dries off the house surface. Think about this---the painting may be done this week. That would be great!
Back from Mass, plan lunch with a friend at the Art Museum cafe, then getting things done in the yard. Thinking of emptying/cleaning out all the hanging planters to store for winter and loading firewood in the patio rack.
Hope your day goes well---work at staying healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

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