Told ya Fall was coming---leaves are dropping and more deer appearing. Dropped a bag of carrots over the back fence and have had the deer venture closer to the house. You will have to double click the pic--the deer is in the distance in the clearing. Think I could have captured a closer shot (with camera of course) if the "boys" had not have made such a barking racket. Also, had a swallow tail butterfly on the flowers. Chased it around the yard to get a good pic---another certifiable event for my neighbors to log.
Back from Mass, plan a quiet day with my pup posse, reading, and listening to my Ipod--possibly throw a nap in there somewhere. Not a good football watching/listening day. For those of you who care--KU spanked CO and K-State won but only by 3 points. Hard to listen (K-State) and watch KU at the same time.
Enjoy this long week end--staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
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