So There I Was sitting on the back deck yesterday morning when a hummingbird came up and perched at new feeder. I was so surprised. Such wonderful little birds. Make note to self: Keep camera close at hand w/zoom setting on and be ready to capture the next visit
So Here I Am this morning looking out at the flowers (lilies) and noting they are all (solar flower lights included) moving---no breeze/wind--- thought I was watching a flower/light dance. Mole at work! Saw the tunnel and then the sprinklers went on causing me to abandon the hunt. Will let the ground dry out a little, watch for new tunneling then try to roust the mole out in a portion of the flower bed that can be destroyed by my fierce mole hunters. Exciting day ahead for this household.
Mass this AM. Housework, laundry, etc. to do...
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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Hoping I can sign in today and give the details of the mole hunt.
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