Monday, June 27, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

Last week:
Daily Mass, volunteered most of week at school/Church, mowing, mowing, mowing, watering, watering, watering, weeding, weeding, weeding, carried off broken tree limbs---Whew!----What a week!

This week:
Mass this AM, then more of the above w/o tree limb breakage/removal. Volunteering at school ends on the 30th--then resumes the first of August.

Watching hummingbirds flitter through the sprinklers, sip at the feeder (thanks VA Ashpoles), butterflies finding places on plants to lay their eggs----just fun to sit out on the back deck, read, snuggle w/the "boys", read and just catch the scene.

Stay healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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