Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Mass this AM then home to continue my mole observation mission and.....finally got the mole. Lots of water into the tunnel, watched the plants move and then went in for the kill and toss. The boys have become worthless mole hunters----think it might have been a Pop thing. They would have done anything to impress him. I would recommend a double-double click on the pic to see the reposed mole. No neva, margin irregulrities about this one----he no longer moves. I noted that my mole toss was not the best and am glad I wasn't being graded for the first of the season (and hopefully only one this year) mole toss.

Will spend some time this evening putting the flower garden back in order---lots of self induced water errosion, holes, etc---too wet to do much until later in the day. Will add that to my list of mindless tasks that have become my life----because I am finding out I am getting better and better at mindless tasks. 

Have to feature this beautiful Hydeangea----just as lovely as the day it arrived and note the new leaves on the bottom.  Kind of takes the tragedy off the mole story to add a little beauty to this otherwise morbid blog.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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