Monday, June 20, 2011

Maintenance and Repair Day

Car to Haven, KS early this AM for routine maintenance (good checkup--it will outlast me). Fun (?) driving w/wind blowing 40 to 50 MPH. This must be KS. Washing machine repairman coming today (between 1:00pm and 5:00pm) to replace the computer panel-- (AKA F1 recall error code problem).

Ready to grill this afternoon (if wind settles down). Took the grill apart Saturday, cleaned all parts----It works!!!! Have pork chops marinating, mouth watering, can already taste them. Fixed Tabouli yesterday. Am becoming quite the domestic----just try to stay busy, enjoying fixing/tasting different  dishes---thanks to recipe sharing. Keep em' coming LJ.

Went to Mass yesterday AM, stopped by QuikShop, picked up a newspaper, went through the carwash, took a 2+ hour nap (at home), then topped the day off w/homemade ice cream at Keith and Becky's. Yummmm!

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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