Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Looking forward to a good New Year! Pop is feeling good---life is good!

Kurt, Linda, Ryan, and Maddie are leaving today. We have enjoyed their visit and will miss them. (The dogs will also miss all the loving and petting.)

We plan a quiet day sitting by the fireplace with the "boys" watching football.

Thanks to everyone who has been there for us this last year and please continue to keep Pop in your good thoughts and prayers. (Noted we now have 25 followers listed---wouldn't it be great to see 100+ on the list?---a special thanks to all for signing in as a follower.)



Cindy Roo said...

Happy New Year!!
I hope this year brings better health to all of your family.Love Cindy Roo

Just Ma said...

Thanks Cindy---same to you. Thanks also for signing in as a follower. Pop is awestruck at the amount of people following the blog. Told him he has a lot of people thinking of him---this just confirms it.