Ulcers are healed and all is well!!! Pop tolerated the procedure well---came home ate a banana, 2 eggs, 2 slices toast, glass of OJ, cup of coffee. Will even be able to reduce his Nexium to once a day. Nice way to end the year. (See how all those good thoughts and prayers are working for Pop!)
Thanks and please continue with the good thoughts and prayers.
PS: Thanks to the the new followers who have signed on the blog.
Congratulations on the good news Uncle Sonny and Aunt Julie!
We're sending you all our best hopes and thoughts for the New Year.
Love and hugs,
Deb/aka darrow
Just caught the comment---thanks--we are thankful for each day. Pop has come a long way since August. Thanks also for the the "best hope, thoughts, love and hugs"----very much appreciated.
Aunt Julie
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