Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shootin the bull, drinking coffee, and tour of the town

Busy day planned today---Pop slept well last night and ate a good breakfast this AM. Today's plan: Already been to McD's (to shoot the bull), drank coffee with the group, resting up now for a town tour and visit the new Lowe's store.

Pop is really enjoying Jan's visit. Lauren and Lindsay are coming in this weekend. Linda, Kurt, Ryan, and Maddie will be here 12/27, with Kathy planning to return after the first of the year. It has been wonderful seeing everyone. Pop enjoys the company now that he is feeling better.

Blog late---sorry----we got side tracked: took the "boys" to the groomer and headed out on on our town tour/Lowe's visit. It was a great day. Thinking of entering Pop in the scooter Olympics--good turns, good back up maneuvers, and in general would rate him 9/10.

Pop has a post hospital visit with Dr. Moore tomorrow. Chemo, lab work, 11/17/2008 PET scan results as well as gastrin level will be discussed.

Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


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