Pop really needed the transfusion---Hemoglobin was 5.9. No wonder he was short of breath. Surprised they only gave him 2 units. Will call Dr. Moore's office this AM ask if they plan to do another CBC before 01/05/2009 appt. Wouldn't be a bad idea. This is the lowest his hemoglobin has been. As soon as the lab tech viewed his blood on the slide----she came to the waiting room---looking almost as pale as Pop---wanting to make sure we were waiting for the results. Pop is a trooper---no complaints---just goes with the flow.
It was nice coming home to a clean house---thanks Linda and Kurt! Everything had been picked up, put away, floors swept, etc. Keith and Becky had Kurt, Linda, and the kids over for an enchilada supper last night. Everyone has been so great to help. Thanks!
Asking a favor---please sign in as a follower (thanks Kay)---we are so curious of the number of wonderful people following this blog. Pop finds it amazing when people tell him---"caught you on the blog this AM." The McD's group is also following the blog---they print it out--and sometimes discuss it at the meetings----that is impressive---those guys are a great group-----they keep Pop's spirits up!!!
As always, ask you to keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way!
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