Chemo went great yesterday--lab work okay except platelets were down. We were home by 2:45pm! Pop feels great this AM, slept well last night, weight stable, and good appetite. Pop will skip chemo next week, have a CT of chest, abdomen, pelvis, lab on 12/29/2008 and EGD on 12/31/2008.
Remember yesterday's blog---I lost---I was intrusive. I asked the chemo nurse if she would ask Dr. Moore if we could include shoulders with the CT films on 12/29/2008. She suggested I speak with Dr. Moore's nurse. Did so after we got home to make same request. (Pop is having some slight discomfort in both shoulders--lesions were found when the 9/22/2008 bone scan was done.) Dr. Moore's nurse indicated a portion of the shoulder would show up on the CT chest portion. Not done with this yet----Shoulder(s) CT will be done and "not portion of shoulders." Will take this up with CT personnel on day of test. Dr. Moore should also be in office on that day. If it is muscular--good (we can massage it)----if it is increased lesions---let's be intrusive and treat it (maybe with radiation!!) Pop has to fast 4 hours, also drink barium prior and receive an injection prior to CT---He shouldn't have to do this more than one time. Can anyone out there help me locate a "How to be Less Intrusive Seminar?"
They gave Pop an Epogen injection to combat his chronic anemia. This will be given every 2 weeks. The common side effects are "flu-like symptoms: chills, fever, muscle aches, and fatigue." We all know Pop is not common and hopefully, will not get any of these side effects.
Please continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers!
Intrusiveness is a virtue! Don't change!
love Kat
Thanks---sometimes feel like the little kid with his finger in the dike. Just can't let go!
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