Jan left this AM. She wanted me to tell you--she enjoyed her visit with Pop and family. She also wanted me to tell Taylor (0n this blog) that she skunked me in canasta and was looking forward to a re-match. Was wonderful having her visit---really meant a lot to Pop (and all of us).

Pop is a fighter, weighing in at 137 lbs this AM, getting stronger by the day, no side effects from Monday's chemo, still has good appetite, sleeping well, getting out and about, and such a positive attitude. I am humbled by being with him---he is so gracious and thankful for all of his family and friends.

We plan an outing everyday--yesterday, following the McD's meeting we went to Leekers for a shopping trip. (John Leeker is the best---he visited with Pop and offered to deliver groceries to the house for us if we were unable to get out.) Today, following the McD's meeting we are going to the post office and bank. Hopefully, the bank will also offer to deliver money to us if we are unable to get out. Know you are all must be anxious to know about these senior citizen excursions.
Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.
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