Obtained Pop's upcoming schedule for appts/testing.
It is as follows: 2 D echo cardiogram to be done today. Porta cath line (to draw blood and deliver chemo/meds) will be inserted in neck/chest area 12/11/08 (we have to be at the facility at 6:00am). Lab/chemo (Taxol/Gemzar) on 12/15, 12/22, CT of abdomen/chest/pelvis on 12/29. Lab/MD appt/chemo on 01/05/2009. Also throw in appt with radiology oncologist on 12/18/2008 and EGD (gastro) on 12/31/2008 for good measure. Plan to test all of you on this schedule----will call it a take off on "Where's Waldo or Who's on First?" (Or better yet--Has anyone seen mom lately?)
Pop is anxious/glad to have today's test--supposedly it will help them determine why he so short of breath with exertion. He feels good except for some stiffness in the low back and the shortness of breath. His sleeping pattern is not the best---we are on the 3rd pillow purchase to help him be more comfortable.
Jan will be with us until 12/18/2008. Cannot begin to tell you how great this visit has been. Absolutely love her sick sense of humor especially when Pop is at a low point and talks about "turning 71 and being sick." She brings a smile to his face and we all have a great laugh--Pop included.
Has been quite a journey for Pop--especially this being sick stuff--he has never been ill. His spirit, trust, and graciousness humbles me. Please continue to keep prayers and good thoughts coming Pop's way.
PS--Lindsay is going home to these precious little ones:

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