Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Flowers, flowers, and more flowers

White Crepe Myrtle blossom. This is in the backyard flower bed area and being groomed into a tree. Would never have anything but the southern tree type of Crepe Myrtles. The bark is beautiful and the limbs are so shapely. (Click on all pics for details)

Another pic of the blue flowered plant. The plant has woody almost shrublike stems, blooms all summer, very hardy, and drought resistant. Need help coming up with the name of the plant/shrub. Am sure Kat will know the name---she has always been great with plant names---e.g. Dahlia. Help Kat!!!

Speaking of Kat--Catch a glance of this Nastutium. She sent the seeds to me this year. The blossoms have really been interesting--very delicate yet hardy. Have them planted on the rock garden in a galvanized pan.

Had to add one more---a Stella D'Oro day lily. Reminds me of a Georgia O'Keefe flower--color is wonderful and almost breathtaking. Warned you I had been taking lots of pics.
Have a busy day planned--Off to Mass, house siding work will start today, more working in the shed space (always a work in progress), and enjoying this wonderful cool morning w/possibility of rain showers.

Please take care, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.


Kat said...

Hardy Blue Plumbago, also known as Leadwort!

do I win a new mac laptop?

love Kat

Just Ma said...

Thank you---knew you would come through for me---but unfortunately you were not the first thus the only apple you will receive is a Fuji---and the catch is you have to pick it up in Wichita----see ya soon?
Love ya girl,