Waking up in the morning, cup of coffee, walking through the yard with the "boys", going to Mass, coming home, walking through the yard with the "boys", eating some breakfast, followed by walking through the yard with the "boys"...Wear a pedometer and it usually registers 2 to 7+ miles/day---need more "boys" here on the 2 mile/day---would venture to guess not enough walking through the yard. Stood in the street to take this pic of the house to share the front yard shrubs---note "boys" at gate. (click pics 2 times for close up view).
Enough of this---hope your day is also good, wish you good health, stay safe, and keep in touch.
whew, was having flower withdrawal. thanks for the fix. And, if your nifty hose reel should disappear . . .
Hey---hands off the hose reel!Think someone has gotten away with one of my fine Nelson sprinklers--you haven't been here while I was gone have you? Oh, gee I would hate to think I misplaced it---may turn up in the fall when the foilage diminishes.
That nelson sprinkler is da bomb!
Now if I could just find an unguarded hose reel my set would be complete.
...wait a minute, just took another look at that enlarged photo . . . is there a transferrable life-time guarantee on that black hose that's on that gorgeous hose reel?
Have worked out in the front yard all afternoon in 96 degreee temperature and just completed installing the invisible electrical shock device that encircles the hose reel. Hopefully, it will deter anyone from having any more ideas of removing the hose reel from this state.
wow, my hair's curlier
Amazing.. This is kind of like "Twitter" of impending crimes via a blog.
Think the crime wave has begun---she may be taking it apart--starting with the one in the back yard with the hose connector coming loose----Will have to start watching it also---that girl is everywhere!
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