Friday, July 24, 2009

Ma's stuff

Took lots of pictures yesterday. Had an ambling sort of day and seems the only thing I could focus was the camera. Went to Mass in AM, worked in the rectory for about an hour, took pics, napped and ambled.
This plant (unknown name) came in a moss type planter from Vicki on Mother's Day 2008 (via Dutch's Nursery). It wintered at Faye's last year and has done well in my flower bed this summer. (Double click for details of the petals)

The Crepe Myrtle is exploding with blossoms. The limbs are straining to hold all of them. Took several views and will send more later. (Double click for details of the petals)
Plan on going to Mass, cleaning the rectory, helping with a funeral dinner, then mowing/edging/watering the lawn/flower beds later in the day. Want to get the yard work done today so I will be rested and ready to go see Miss Saigon tomorrow.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

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