The flower of the day is the Zinnia. The Zinnias are at their best this year--nice blooms, no rust on the foilage, and still putting out lots of buds. Looked through my file of Kodak pictures and noted I am close to 1000 pics (mostly flowers and flower garden). Not trying to scare anyone just sit back, buckle up for the pictures to continue to be posted throughout the fall and winter months.
Mount Carmel is having its 50th year reunion in September. I received a handwritten invitation--noting that they were aware I had only attended one year, the person remembered me and encouraged me to go. I have until mid August to send my money. I am just a tad weary of the search for one year attendees---reminds me of Kurt's late night appeal (met me at the door at midnight, after I had worked a 2nd shift) to sign a permission slip so his name could be put in the drawing for having the (either 3rd or 4th grade) class Iguana spend the summer at our house. With 26 kids in the class what would be the likelyhood his name would be drawn? Returned home the next night, again met Kurt at the door with a big grin on his face proclaiming his luck----seems he was the only kid in the class who returned his permission slip and we were the caretakers of this big lizard. My point in all of this is---what if I am the only attendee? (LOL). May consider it. Have been in touch (throughout the years) with my freshman prefect (homeroom) teacher from Mt. Carmel. Just spoke with her last month. She is 81 years old, really sharp, delightful to visit with, and she was excited she is now on line and we can e-mail each other. Also received a Mass card from her indicating Pop and Kelli are being remembered in the convent prayers and Masses--nice.
Imagine the ones of you who read this are glad you are not up this early or thankful you have jobs to go to so you do not have an earful to start your day. So I must repeat with ---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
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