Wednesday, September 16, 2009

To Do

Mass this AM, rectory stop, breakfast, and off to grab some groceries, then work in house, yard, catch up on reading, and play with the "boys." Same routine just a different day. It is nice to be retired and have leisure flexible time. It really doesn't matter if I don't get any of the above done (except Mass) because none of it is pressing----Wow---what time can teach you.

The arbor planting is in transition. Moving soil, rocks, and plants. Checked on my ornamental grass order and tracked it on UPS system---it is in GA. Should arrive this week. Saw it weighed 12 pounds. That is a total of 24 plants---figure 1/2 lb a plant will be manageable to maneuver.

Plan to volunteer at the Lord's Diner for food prep tomorrow at noon. Really glad I am doing that---nice group of people to work with--all are volunteers. The Diner serves hundreds (sometimes 500+) of people at the daily evening meals.
You know what I ask of the time spent with the little ones. Love, Mom


Kurt said...

Is that TLC's real hair. That poor child had to be traumatized

Just Ma said...

Dare you to ask her. Don't you remember the young perm pics of the girls? It would be considered trauma in this day and age. Kat suggested looking at the waist line not the hair.