Back from Mass and breakfast w/friend. Great class last night, nice visit w/out of town friend and now just me and the "boys." Most all of the snow has melted, no sun in the sky, no wind/breeze, and the temperature is bearable at 38 degrees.

Planning on picking up around the house, mopping the floor, doing the laundry, cleaning out the fireplace, bringing in firewood, and getting ready for the big weekly Sunday afternoon card game. Pinochle is the game this Sunday. Have never played it but bought the cards, am ready to learn it and enjoy the company. Lasagna and fixings are in store for the meal and lots of great laughing and chatter are in order for the entertainment.
Hope your day is great. Stay healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
It's canasta for me and the group on Saturday, but we're having Sangria!
Have fun!
Cannot imagine how our card game would go with Sangria---most likely downhill real quick.
You also have fun!
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