Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Road Trip

Up around 5:00am. Cold here this AM---25 degrees, supposed to warm up and then possibly snow tomorrow. Going to eye MD again today for another test. They told me I flunked my visual field vision test on 01/14/10 and they would like to retest. (Doesn't surprise me---sometimes I do feel I may have real narrow vision. Do not think an eye test can correct that.) Will go to Mass and then venture off to Derby again for the testing.
Thinking about volunteering in the school office a couple of hours a day each week. They are extending the preschool program to include mornings and need an help in the office. It will be something constructive (and social) to do during these winter months.
Making a small, very small, dent in the sorting, filing and shredding in my office. Thinking the process keeps me too confined and is a very monotonous/boring task. Hope your day is not monotonous---just stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Ma

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