Snowed most of Thursday night and throughout the day yesterday. It was a light feathery snow and must say that snow blower/shovel was a wise purchase. Actually had 2 hours worth of fun out in the driveway yesterday clearing the snow. Brought in firewood before the snow and have enjoyed sitting by the fireplace reading, watching TV each night with the"boys."

Cards are on for Sunday. Plan on having Potato Soup (new recipe), fixins' and snacks (sweet/salty). No talk of what the game(s) will be---it will just be great fun having great gals here and something to do on a cold wintry day. Really have enjoyed the company and just down right fun playing cards.
Went to Mass this AM and had breakfast with a friend. Planning on bringing in more firewood, cleaning out the fireplace, doing laundry, picking up the house, going to Mass this evening and playing w/the "boys" by the fireplace tonight. That's my day...
Hope your day is peaceful--stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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