Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another Rainy Day

Up early this AM. Rainy, 34 degrees, and still dark outside. Have a busy day planned w/Mass, volunteering at the rectory, Lord's Diner from 11:30 to ?? to do food prep, then off to a meeting at SLC this evening. Lucky the "boys" have someone to be here and watch over them while I am out and about.

Cards went well yesterday. Nice lunch, good company. Got home around 4:15pm. It is enjoyable to get out during the day and settle in by the fireplace with the "boys" in the evening.

Wanted to remind you again of the Masses being said for Kelli tomorrow in KS and TX. Cannot believe it has been a year. I carry her in my heart as well as thoughts and prayers throughout each day. Know that all of you also have dear memories of her. I find myself smiling at times thinking of the joy it was to have spent time with her in those earthly bonds. I am so thankful to have had her be a part of my life and am also blessed to have each of you walk this journey with me. Remember, God's love and mercy keeps our family strong. If not for that we would all be in despair.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

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