Had a great card day yesterday. We played Pitch then moved to Blockus. It is so great to get together and do something fun on these cold chilly days. Had a nice fire going, ate supper (chili/vegetables/fruit/choc cake/ice cream) and brought it to a close around 6:00pm. Will do the same next week except menu and card game will be changed. Plan to bypass this week's (Wednesday) card game but will go next week. That's the fun of it all----you are not obligated.

Should be a nice day. Expect sun and increased temperatures. Off to Mass, walk in the Mall and back to do laundry, pick up a bit, read, and try to get in the mood to sort, shred, file, in the office. If I were a little kid I would throw myself on the floor, whine, and blubber because I hate to sort, shred, file in the office.
Hope your weekend went well. Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
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