Pop rested well last night, still has a good appetite and holding his own at 135 lbs. He has an oncology appt today for lab work, to obtain gastrin level/11/17/2008 PET scan results, discuss chemo plans, possibility of porta cath, etc.
Seems as though Pop is making up time for never seeing MD's in past---has an appt with the surgeon 12/11/2008 to discuss GB and scheduling repeat EGD exam for ulcers--has an appt with radiology oncologist 12/18/2008 to discuss radiation progress. Will see dentist soon for permanent filling from 10/16/2008 root canal. (No PT needed for this guy to regain strength--walking to and from car, getting in and out of car, walking in and out of MD appts---he has his own PT program going.)
In general, this has been a good week. Pop is resuming normal activities--(going to McD's, reading Sports Illustrated/newspaper, sitting with his "boys", playing hand held solitare game, and watching TV in the evenings, etc.)
Thanks to all of our friends and family members for all the help (meals, cards, leaf mulching, good thoughts, calls/messages, etc.) This is what keeps Pop going----he is so very humbled by your thoughtful caring.