8:22pm CST: Finally received results of last lumbar bone lesion biopsy. Pop has carcinoma (cancer). Pop will begin radiation therapy as soon as possible---maybe even tomorrow along with chemo. They are unsure of the primary but the the combination of chemo given once a week has the potential to treat several systems/organs. Terry is staying with Pop tonight and I will be with him tomorrow. Pop told Dr. Buth---"at least we now know what we are working with" and told me he intends to fight it. Heading for bed---will post more tomorrow. Pop has felt so bad the last couple of months---it is almost a relief to be moving on with treatment.
Keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Waiting for Tests

Still no private room available so Terry and I are unable to stay with Pop during the night.
Will keep you advised when more info available.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Great News!
Pop had his test this AM at hospital. Just happened that a couple of the nurses were ones I went to school with were working the critical admitting area---we discussed Pop's status---and I was informed his WBC was 16,000. The diagnostic radiologist was great---did confirm a C&S was done on the "lesion" biopsy.
I paged Dr. Buth through the office, physician exchange, and finally the hospital operator to ask him to call me ASAP. Dr. Buth called me back----I told him test completed, advised him of WBC, Pop's dehydration, sleeping 20 of 24 hours, losing weight, becoming weaker, and dying a little each day. I asked him to please admit Pop. Pop was admitted in the hospital for treatment. IV's started, blood cultures done, sed rate, chemistry profile, etc., and infection control MD referral. I also called and cancelled the PET scan that was scheduled 10/30/2008 since it was to be done as out patient.
Prostate biopsy back and negative for cancer!!!!! Cannot tell you how relieved Pop was to find he does not have cancer.
Continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers!
I paged Dr. Buth through the office, physician exchange, and finally the hospital operator to ask him to call me ASAP. Dr. Buth called me back----I told him test completed, advised him of WBC, Pop's dehydration, sleeping 20 of 24 hours, losing weight, becoming weaker, and dying a little each day. I asked him to please admit Pop. Pop was admitted in the hospital for treatment. IV's started, blood cultures done, sed rate, chemistry profile, etc., and infection control MD referral. I also called and cancelled the PET scan that was scheduled 10/30/2008 since it was to be done as out patient.
Prostate biopsy back and negative for cancer!!!!! Cannot tell you how relieved Pop was to find he does not have cancer.
Continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers!
Road trip to for more testing
Monday, October 27, 2008
Where are those prostate biopsy results?
Pop is moving slow

Aunt Karen and Karla came by for a visit yesterday afternoon. Karen crocheted and brought by a prayer shawl for Pop that her church people prayed over. The shawl is beautiful, do not want the "boys" to snag it so I have put it on the top of his headboard.
Hopefully, will have the prostate biopsy results today. (Their handout indicated results would be available in 7 working days).
Linda--please do me a favor and ask Connie about: Immuno phenol typing. A nurse friend of mine told me heard about this test at Mayo on a person also affected by a marrow problem and it ended up being a rare immunosupressive disease. Just grabbing at straws.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
"Pretty darned good"

Pop says he feels "pretty darned good" this AM. Think the medications have really kicked in. He only took 4 Lortab yesterday plus other meds. Ate some breakfast and now resting in recliner w/pup posse.
Terry and I are planning on going to Mass at 10:00am--Kevin is going to take Pop to and from Mickey D meeting. Nothing planned today other than kicking back, visiting with Terry and relaxing.
Continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. He has a busy week ahead with more testing.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Sunshine and Meds make Pop better

Today is a good day--no MD appointments--no Missys to talk to. Have already medicated Pop, gone to Mass, walked the dogs, and drove/picked Pop up from Mickey D meeting. You should see him get out of the car---really springy/frisky/fast departure---let's me know I am definitely not going to get into the meeting place. Hope they can solve the world's problems at todays' meeting.
Terry is on her way. Should be here about 3:00pm this afternoon.
Okay---have come up with another plan---Plan on asking the diagnostic radiologist to contact Dr. Moore prior to the 10/28 procedure and ask if they can give Pop an IV antibiotic infusion following the procedure (since they will have obtained a culture and Pop will have an out patient stay for bed rest following the procedure). What will it hurt?----I am thinking "the process" he has is osteomyelitis from the tooth abscess. Realize I may be shot down on this one but at the pace they are moving----what would a little prophylactic antibiotic hurt at this point?
Friday, October 24, 2008
More meds for Pop

Got a call back from Dr. Buth's nurse Missy to tell me she was calling in Neurontin for Pop. Asked her if she would ask Dr. Buth if there were any additional tests (10/28 procedure) Dr. Buth might want. She reminded me she was not an MD---assured her I wasn't either but since this is an invasive procedure felt if Dr. Buth wanted additional testing it would provide an opportunity to obtain more info since Dr. Moore

Missy does not realize she is a short drive away from a punch or ass kicking. Do have to cut her some slack---know my patience is running thin and she did follow through with the Neurontin pharmacy call. I picked it up and Pop has already taken the first dose.
S/W Lindsay yesterday---Orion is standing alone. She better plan on getting her track shoes ready to chase two little ones.
Ma says, "Let's get moving---NOW!"

Dr. Illera does not recommend increasing Prednisone until assured of firm diagnosis (esp. no infection present). Dr. Illera is talking to Dr. Buth today and suggesting Pop be started on Neurontin or Lyrica to see if it will help with pain management and we can reduce the narcotics. Man, I love her---she is on it!! Will ask Dr. Illera to look into the bone marrow biopsy findings and if there are any further recommendations for additional testing on the 28th. Will also be with Pop on the 28th, visit with the diagnostic radiologist prior to the procedure to discuss possibility of additional testing to obtain firm diagnosis.
Pop was up 2 times during the night for pain medication. He ate cookies and a banana for breakfast and is now resting in the recliner with his pooch posse. He "feels a little better today."
Kat and Kelli---thanks for getting in touch with everyone yesterday since the blog was unavailable.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
More testing scheduled to rule out cancer

More tests are scheduled--
--10/28/2008: CT guided biopsy of the lumbar spine lesion at 9:00am at St Francis Hospital. (He will then stay for 4-5 hours at bedrest as an out patient.)
--10/30/2008: PET Scan at 12:15pm.
--11/04/2008: Appt w/Dr. Moore to discuss results.
--Called Dr. Moore's office and requested a culture and sensitivity (C&S) testing be included with the pathology study of the 10/28/2008 biopsy. (If cancer ruled out need to look for other things such as a systemic infectious process). Received call back indicating C&S would be done.
--Called Dr. Illera's office to discuss today's MD appt and ask if possibly increase in prednisone would be recommended in case this is a major PMR flare up.
Dr. Moore uncertain what to do if cancer ruled out---Remember his expertise is cancer--that is one reason I am taking it upon myself to also make calls to the other MD's to discuss options while we are awaiting further testing.

Pop still has a poor appetite, trying to eat, and has lost 13 lbs since this started. The pain medication has really slowed him down both physically and mentally. We stopped and got him a large chocolate malt on the way home. He ate 1/4 of it , took a pain pill and is now napping. He went to bed yesterday at 3:30pm, woke up at 2:00am, and back up at 6:00am.
Dr. Illera's nurse just called back---gave her update on Pop. Expect call back in 1/2 to 1 hour with a plan. (If Dr. Illera agrees to increase prednisone and we see pain reduced will contact Dr. Buth's office to ask about proper way to taper narcotics so Pop doesn't have withdrawl problems.)
Help Wanted at MD appt today for Pop

Let's hope we can move Pop from these painful shark infested waters. Terry is planning on coming for a visit and should be here Saturday. Pop is looking forward to her visit.

Love, Mom
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Cookies, Coffee, and a Brisk Fall Morning

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hangin around waiting.

Pop slept most of afternoon and evening following the prostate biopsies. Up this AM, ate cookies, took medication(s), and went to the "meeting" at Mickey D's. He is now resting in recliner with the pup patrol. Pain in face/jaw has returned though not as much as before (still on top--where some of the lesions are reported being) also has pain in both legs. He describes his discomfort as feeling "puny."
We are thankful there is only one MD appt this week and hopefully, no more invasive testing. Just hangin around waiting for the appt. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock...
Will keep you updated--keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.
Love, Mom
Monday, October 20, 2008

Love, Mom
Up and Down Weekend

Quite an up and down weekend for Pop. All MD/Dentist appts last week caught up with him. He was absolutely worn out on Saturday. I think the processing of the gravity of his disease as well as a little depression also set in. Let him do his thing (did not dress/stayed in bed most of day) until late afternoon---then the come to Jesus talk happened. Told him he had 2 ways to approach this battle---die with it or live with it. Made him mad enough to tell me he was going to live and going to fight it---to which I countered "then act like it and show me." He showered, dressed, ate a peanut butter Sonic Blast, visited with a friend that stopped by, and left for the hockey game with Kevin, Allison and Alex, sat with Keith, Becky, Nick, Taylor, saw and visited with Michelle Strecker (Ashpole)/husband, more friends at the hockey game. Pop has every right to be overwhelmed but he will not give up---that is not allowed in this family!!!
Sunday was great, ate a Leekers caramel twist, went to the Sunday Mickey D Meeting (first time since the previous Monday), napped in afternoon, went to Keith and Becky's for his favorite chicken enchilada meal, visited with Nick, Jake, Taylor, returned home, and watched baseball.
Got up this am, ate, showered, conversing with the "boys", and playing solitaire. Prostate biopsy at 2:00pm today. Pop is more like himself today. Question he may be guided by fear to be "normal" since I will be administering his fleet enema prior to the testing.
Know today's blog seems like TMI and detail---Know we are all on this emotional teeter totter with him. Stay close to Pop with your thoughts and prayers.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Long week for Pop
Prostate Biopsy to be done on Monday. Received call from Dr. Moore's office. He S/W urologist and they decided prostate biopsy is needed. Procedure will be done at 2:00pm. Results should be ready and will be discussed 10/23/2008, 10:30am appt. w/Dr. Moore.
Have a great weekend---continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. Kevin is taking Pop to hockey tomorrow night.
Have a great weekend---continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. Kevin is taking Pop to hockey tomorrow night.
More medication for Pop

Back from Dr. Buth appt. Pop really respects Dr. Buth and is always very open with him. Discussed depression w/Pop on way to MD appt and he actually asked Dr. Buth about it on his own. Dr. Buth gave samples of Cymbalta 30mg daily for one week, increasing to 60mg the following week. Dr. Buth told Pop it is reasonable to have some depression with uncertainty of diagnosis and advised him Cymbalta would also enhance the current pain medications. Dr. Buth indicated still waiting for one more test to R/O Multiple Myeloma and advised Pop no firm diagnosis until tissue samples (from biopsies) are available.
Called Dr. Moore's office. S/W his nurse. She indicated bone marrow biopsy report now available, will need to discuss with Dr. Moore and will call me back later today to advise if we are going to proceed with the prostate biopsy on Monday.
Can someone put a melody to the words---"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...? Would like to put "wait" to a good use. Am going out to mow and clean out some flower beds---Raol didn't show up this AM.
MD appt today for Pop

Appt today w/Dr. Buth at 11:45am. Pop is still feeling well--"just puny"---so we will just call this a maintenance check up appt.
Beware: Any of you come to visit, sleep late, nap, tell me you are not feeling well, or express any regularities will most likely have to restrain me from taking you to an MD. Seem to be on an MD appt roll lately.
Later, Mom

Plan to bypass Dr. Buth's nurse call back this AM and get an appt to have Dr. Buth examine Pop today. Phone relays with nurses and guessing what is going on with Pop does not get it done. Even though he is better this am and yesterday may have been a fluke of a day---we need to know what to do if it happens again---Do not want to have to take Pop to ER and thought we may have been headed there yesterday.
Hopefully, we will have a sunny day so Pop can mow, rake, overseed the yard, bring in the firewood, and paint the outside of the house. (That is my giddy humor for the day---somehow it was lost yesterday---and came back fast with mention of sunny day and seeing Pop look better today. I promise Pop will not be doing any of the afore mentioned things---I plan to have Raol, our newly hired 21 year old "pool" boy do all that after he tends to some inside work---okay now it's getting too giddy).
Whatever you sent Pop yesterday (thoughts and prayers)----keep it coming!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Root canal done, crown in the works, tough day
Rough day for Pop. Flu like symptoms all day---aching all over. Root canal done. Called Dr. Buth's office---S/W nurse, requested review of current meds with possible addition/consideration of Elavil to help with easing chronic pain. (Elavil has been used for depression, sedation, relaxation, and to alleviate chronic pain cycle.) She will S/W Dr. Buth in am and call back. Pop has slept most of day.
Called Dr. Moore's office. S/W his nurse regarding MD plans, provided phone numbers(s), yada, yada, etc.. She will check on bone marrow biopsy results and asked me to call back after noon tomorrow if I have not heard from her before then.
Okay---let's put those good thoughts and prayers in to high gear. Know Pop is discouraged because he does not feel well. Hard to know what to do other than provide medications, food, and keep the phone lines in the MD offices busy. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!???
(I really am not terrorizing MD offices---just trying to do some positive advocacy for Pop).
Called Dr. Moore's office. S/W his nurse regarding MD plans, provided phone numbers(s), yada, yada, etc.. She will check on bone marrow biopsy results and asked me to call back after noon tomorrow if I have not heard from her before then.
Okay---let's put those good thoughts and prayers in to high gear. Know Pop is discouraged because he does not feel well. Hard to know what to do other than provide medications, food, and keep the phone lines in the MD offices busy. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!???
(I really am not terrorizing MD offices---just trying to do some positive advocacy for Pop).
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Urology Appt update

Urology appt was great. Dr. Steinberger did exam (for a total of 3 prostate checks in a week), indicated was not impressed with prostate check nor PSA level. He reviewed all of the paperwork, spoke with Dr. Moore (oncologist) as we waited, may not do a prostate biopsy but tentatively scheduled one (10/20/2008 @ 2pm) depending on the results of the bone marrow biopsy. He said he would be in touch w/Dr. Moore to discuss bone marrow results. The office will contact us if the biopsy appt is cancelled. (I plan to touch base with Dr. Moore's nurse in am to make sure she has both phone numbers, assure she is aware of the plan, knows to flag report, and get it to Dr. Moore since he will be OOO Mon and Tues of next week.)

We have added Ibuprofen 400mg three times/day to help with the discomfort at Dr. Moore's suggestion that skeletal pain is better addressed by anti-inflammatory medications. We'll see. Pop is achy, has to be encouraged to eat, but doing "okay." I am still waking him up during the night for the additional antibiotic (tooth)/pain meds to stay on top of the pain management. It is a circus---the "boys" are also awake, out peeing at all hours and fearful I will be scheduling them for appointments with the urologist for their nocturia (night time peeing).
Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. Pop stays in good spirits but is tired of all the prodding (me) and all the poking (MD's).
Pop's Agenda

The MD appt went well yesterday---still testing phase. Took Pop off his aspirin last week so they could proceed w/bone marrow aspiration/biopsy yesterday. Dr. Moore is all business (great!), reviewed history with dad, hit on some options but needs info from urologist (prostate MD) and of course bone biopsy report to proceed. Next appts w/him is 10/23/08 to to review testing, MD notes, and come up with plan.
We have an appt w/urologist this am. More probing, poking with the gloved hand. Hopefully, we can get a prostate biopsy scheduled as soon as possible.
Made appt w/Pop to have root canal Thursday. Requested/received antibiotics yesterday for abscessed tooth and reduce chances of seeding any infection with all the biopsies. Hopefully, the root canal will relieve his face/jaw discomfort. Figure we should have Pop fixed up like new when this is all said and done.
Talked w/Taylor last night on his way home from golf tournament in TX. He brought up a good point---What if when Pop first saw the dentist they found/treated the abscess---no further testing would have been done and we would have thought all the aching was just his PMR. Remember what I always tell you---things happen as planned---we just don't have a clue how it all works. Thanks for reminding me Taylor!
We just need to keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pops' way. Kelli, thanks for calling everyone---I took a much needed Pop/phone/blog break!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Abscessed tooth!!!

Love, Mom
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pop's Agenda

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pop and "boys"
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday night football

Kevin laughed because as usual Pop ran into a lot of friends and visited with all. Same thing happened at supper last night. Seems Pop is a legend and known to all.
Kathy and I did take all the MD paperwork to MD office yesterday, again asked about cancellation/earlier appt, again told none available. Guess we will wait until 10/14/2008. For the time being, pop's pain is controlled, naps in the afternoons, and is able to do things he enjoys. Plan on a quiet weekend.
Love, Mom
Friday, October 10, 2008
Busy Day

Pop had a rough day yesterday. Felt flu-like---possibly too much golf the day before. I plan to visit MD offices early today to assure all paperwork/tests available for appts next week and confirm there are no appt. openings left today. Know you have all picked up on my frustration with the appts being so far out. The waiting is taking its toll on me because I cannot control the situation---know that must come as a real surprise to all of you. I am anticipating being dazzled by the brilliance of the MDs next week and seeing them both kick into high gear to get things moving with Pops treatment.
Kat made it in safely yesterday. Great havong her here.
Continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tick Tock Still waiting to see Docs

Pop feels well, slept all night, slight pain in both legs but attributes that to playing 18 holes of golf yesterday. His appetite is better. He had a sparkle in his eyes yesterday when a package arrived from the NJ with homemade chocolate chip cookies. Pop plans to eat them for breakfast this am. Also, has his eyes on the ribs Joe made for him on the smoker yesterday. Your thoughts, prayers, and food (also, Keith and Becky for the fajitas on Sunday) are sustaining Pop. Now, let's pray we can put a fire under the doc's butts to hurry with appointments and treatment.
Love, Mom
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Life is Good: Hockey Yesterday, Golf Today.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hurrying up the clock for MD appointments

Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pops way.
Monday, October 6, 2008

Keep the good thoughts, wishes, prayers coming Pops' way!
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pop is sharing his feelings and desires more now that things have soaked in. The news of his illness has spread all over the north end and he is the one comforting people who are not taking it well. Pop plans to fight this with all of his might, staying upbeat, and open. He has confidence in the local group of MD's and plans to receive his care here. He has a strong will and I support his decisions. (I do plan to contact MD offices this week to assure we are on their cancellation list to possibly get him in sooner than the 14th and 15th---I consider that behind the scenes support).
I know all of your thoughts, good wishes, and prayers will help him stay strong. Keep them coming!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The "boys"

Mom (and boys)

Yesterday was a hard day for Pop. After a Lortab and nap--he was "100%" better. His night was "great." He has never taken regular medication (except for prednisone) and is reluctant to take pain medication. Yesterday was enough to convince him of the necessity of pain management. He also stopped all of his Ibuprofen and most likely experienced additional inflammation rebound. Today is a new day---he looks and acts more rested.
He just left for McD's for the bub club meeting and should be back in time (11:30am) to watch K-U whop Iowa Stata and K-State whop Texas Tech (2:30pm). Will relinquish the remote to Pop and will watch the games like a tennis match---back and forth, back and forth, etc.
Continue to keep Pop in your thoughts. He knows I am blogging all of you and requesting your thoughts and prayers. He agrees it helps---keep them coming.
Friday, October 3, 2008
On the Road with Dick and Jane

Dick is excited. Dick and Jane are going to take a trip to the store today. Look how excited Dick (AKA Pop) is to take another road trip with Jane (AKA Ma). Jane will most likely have to pry his fingernails off the arm of the recliner to get him out the door----can't you just see how happy Dick is to be spending more time with Jane in the car?
Had a crisis this am----the newspaper was not here when Pop woke up---Several trips to the driveway assured him it still had not arrived---I got in the car, went to Quik Shop, bought a newspaper and and Pop made me promise I would add a note to our newspaper bill that their service was terrible. Think our time together is rubbing off on him---he is becoming a"little Julie."
Pop started new pain medication yesterday---we are going to need to tweak it---as it did not last the entire 12 hours. Well use another med to bridge the 6 hour mark. Dr. Buth was emphatic about pain relief.
Will keep you updated on paper deliveries, store trips, and of course the most important---keeping Pop pain free. He stays in great spirits despite the short intervals of pain. He wants to get out, continue to be active, and to do what he wants to do.
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