Today is a good day--no MD appointments--no Missys to talk to. Have already medicated Pop, gone to Mass, walked the dogs, and drove/picked Pop up from Mickey D meeting. You should see him get out of the car---really springy/frisky/fast departure---let's me know I am definitely not going to get into the meeting place. Hope they can solve the world's problems at todays' meeting.
Terry is on her way. Should be here about 3:00pm this afternoon.
Okay---have come up with another plan---Plan on asking the diagnostic radiologist to contact Dr. Moore prior to the 10/28 procedure and ask if they can give Pop an IV antibiotic infusion following the procedure (since they will have obtained a culture and Pop will have an out patient stay for bed rest following the procedure). What will it hurt?----I am thinking "the process" he has is osteomyelitis from the tooth abscess. Realize I may be shot down on this one but at the pace they are moving----what would a little prophylactic antibiotic hurt at this point?
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