Pop says he feels "pretty darned good" this AM. Think the medications have really kicked in. He only took 4 Lortab yesterday plus other meds. Ate some breakfast and now resting in recliner w/pup posse.
Terry and I are planning on going to Mass at 10:00am--Kevin is going to take Pop to and from Mickey D meeting. Nothing planned today other than kicking back, visiting with Terry and relaxing.
Continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. He has a busy week ahead with more testing.
Hey Ma just wondering what your guy's plans were this week, seeing which day would be best to come visit.
Hi Bud----give us a call to make sure we are here----any day would be great. Early in the day better than later---Pop gets tired and goes to bed real early. (We do have MD appts on Tuesday and Thursday.) Terry will be here all this week and longer.
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