Quite an up and down weekend for Pop. All MD/Dentist appts last week caught up with him. He was absolutely worn out on Saturday. I think the processing of the gravity of his disease as well as a little depression also set in. Let him do his thing (did not dress/stayed in bed most of day) until late afternoon---then the come to Jesus talk happened. Told him he had 2 ways to approach this battle---die with it or live with it. Made him mad enough to tell me he was going to live and going to fight it---to which I countered "then act like it and show me." He showered, dressed, ate a peanut butter Sonic Blast, visited with a friend that stopped by, and left for the hockey game with Kevin, Allison and Alex, sat with Keith, Becky, Nick, Taylor, saw and visited with Michelle Strecker (Ashpole)/husband, more friends at the hockey game. Pop has every right to be overwhelmed but he will not give up---that is not allowed in this family!!!
Sunday was great, ate a Leekers caramel twist, went to the Sunday Mickey D Meeting (first time since the previous Monday), napped in afternoon, went to Keith and Becky's for his favorite chicken enchilada meal, visited with Nick, Jake, Taylor, returned home, and watched baseball.
Got up this am, ate, showered, conversing with the "boys", and playing solitaire. Prostate biopsy at 2:00pm today. Pop is more like himself today. Question he may be guided by fear to be "normal" since I will be administering his fleet enema prior to the testing.
Know today's blog seems like TMI and detail---Know we are all on this emotional teeter totter with him. Stay close to Pop with your thoughts and prayers.
Dad-- Just "Smile and Nod" and do whatever she says.
Great seeing everyone at the hockey game. love you all---Michelle
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