The MD appt went well yesterday---still testing phase. Took Pop off his aspirin last week so they could proceed w/bone marrow aspiration/biopsy yesterday. Dr. Moore is all business (great!), reviewed history with dad, hit on some options but needs info from urologist (prostate MD) and of course bone biopsy report to proceed. Next appts w/him is 10/23/08 to to review testing, MD notes, and come up with plan.
We have an appt w/urologist this am. More probing, poking with the gloved hand. Hopefully, we can get a prostate biopsy scheduled as soon as possible.
Made appt w/Pop to have root canal Thursday. Requested/received antibiotics yesterday for abscessed tooth and reduce chances of seeding any infection with all the biopsies. Hopefully, the root canal will relieve his face/jaw discomfort. Figure we should have Pop fixed up like new when this is all said and done.
Talked w/Taylor last night on his way home from golf tournament in TX. He brought up a good point---What if when Pop first saw the dentist they found/treated the abscess---no further testing would have been done and we would have thought all the aching was just his PMR. Remember what I always tell you---things happen as planned---we just don't have a clue how it all works. Thanks for reminding me Taylor!
We just need to keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pops' way. Kelli, thanks for calling everyone---I took a much needed Pop/phone/blog break!
1 comment:
Thanks Taylor -- Good thinking!
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