Pop had "a great night sleep." He added milk of magnesia to his list of evening medications. The "poop fairy" was on patrol during the night, body functions working well and he did not need any night time medication. The OxyContin has kicked in; also bridging over with regular 1/2 tabs of Lortab every 3 hours during the day. Think we are catching up and controlling the pain. His appetite is not the best (meds/constipation); also bridging it over with regular Cookies and Cream and Chocolate Cookie Dough ice cream. (Linda---told you those ice tea spoons would come in handy---a dish for pop--a spoonful for me) We are going to have a weight gain contest--am certainI will win.

Completed all of the MD medical/office forms (10/14 and 10/15 appts), will hand carry to MD offices today, request to be placed on cancellation list, advise them we can be there in 15 minutes if cancellation. Pop is agreeable though anxious as one of the offices is crosstown and he knows he will be in for quite a ride to make it there in 15 minutes. I am thankful we have great doctors---Pop is thankful he has a sturdy seat belt.
Keep the good thoughts, wishes, prayers coming Pops' way!
Maybe you should write Ben & Jerry about a new "Cookies & Prunes" ice cream variety!
Does dad know what we know about the BMs
Let's give Ben and Jerry the blog site---Pop would love to be one of "Jerry's Kids"---ooops that's not ice cream. He would make a wonderful ice cream tester/taster.
I read the blog to Pop every am. He is open and always amused. He has assured me he married a "one in a million gal." I thinks that is because the others wouldn't/couldn't blog.
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