Aunt Karen and Karla came by for a visit yesterday afternoon. Karen crocheted and brought by a prayer shawl for Pop that her church people prayed over. The shawl is beautiful, do not want the "boys" to snag it so I have put it on the top of his headboard.
Hopefully, will have the prostate biopsy results today. (Their handout indicated results would be available in 7 working days).
Linda--please do me a favor and ask Connie about: Immuno phenol typing. A nurse friend of mine told me heard about this test at Mayo on a person also affected by a marrow problem and it ended up being a rare immunosupressive disease. Just grabbing at straws.
Left message for Connie. Spoke to her earlier but had not seen the blog yet. She checks it regularly for updates too. Told her to ask around and dig up whatever she can find. Since she is doing limited surgeries and spending all her time on research this will keep her busy. Too bad we cannot get her a grant and let her work on this full time. She might find out something before the docs in Wichita. I'm not being very nice am I?
Thanks--appreciate all the input. I still think he has osteomyelitis from the abscessed tooth--the reason for the C&S request of tomorrow's bone marrow sample. Since it deals with the bone will also request he receives a bolus of Ancef following the procedure---what the hay--at this point---what could it hurt. See you are also sensing my frustration with the speed in which this is progressing---feel the docs are not in touch with the acuity of this whole thing---though I must say they are communication better with each other--especially following the last appt. with Dr. Moore.
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