Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Pretty darned good"

Pop says he feels "pretty darned good" this AM. Think the medications have really kicked in. He only took 4 Lortab yesterday plus other meds. Ate some breakfast and now resting in recliner w/pup posse.

Terry and I are planning on going to Mass at 10:00am--Kevin is going to take Pop to and from Mickey D meeting. Nothing planned today other than kicking back, visiting with Terry and relaxing.
Continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. He has a busy week ahead with more testing.



Taylor said...

Hey Ma just wondering what your guy's plans were this week, seeing which day would be best to come visit.


Just Ma said...

Hi Bud----give us a call to make sure we are here----any day would be great. Early in the day better than later---Pop gets tired and goes to bed real early. (We do have MD appts on Tuesday and Thursday.) Terry will be here all this week and longer.