Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gastro done--Pop is great!

Ulcers are healed and all is well!!! Pop tolerated the procedure well---came home ate a banana, 2 eggs, 2 slices toast, glass of OJ, cup of coffee. Will even be able to reduce his Nexium to once a day. Nice way to end the year. (See how all those good thoughts and prayers are working for Pop!)
Thanks and please continue with the good thoughts and prayers.


PS: Thanks to the the new followers who have signed on the blog.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Busy Day for Pop

CT done yesterday (shoulders included), lab drawn, and 2 units of packed red blood cells given at the hospital. We made it home about 8:15pm, ate a piece of pumpkin pie with whipped cream and in bed by 9:15pm.

Pop really needed the transfusion---Hemoglobin was 5.9. No wonder he was short of breath. Surprised they only gave him 2 units. Will call Dr. Moore's office this AM ask if they plan to do another CBC before 01/05/2009 appt. Wouldn't be a bad idea. This is the lowest his hemoglobin has been. As soon as the lab tech viewed his blood on the slide----she came to the waiting room---looking almost as pale as Pop---wanting to make sure we were waiting for the results. Pop is a trooper---no complaints---just goes with the flow.

It was nice coming home to a clean house---thanks Linda and Kurt! Everything had been picked up, put away, floors swept, etc. Keith and Becky had Kurt, Linda, and the kids over for an enchilada supper last night. Everyone has been so great to help. Thanks!

Asking a favor---please sign in as a follower (thanks Kay)---we are so curious of the number of wonderful people following this blog. Pop finds it amazing when people tell him---"caught you on the blog this AM." The McD's group is also following the blog---they print it out--and sometimes discuss it at the meetings----that is impressive---those guys are a great group-----they keep Pop's spirits up!!!

As always, ask you to keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way!


Monday, December 29, 2008

Yea---Let's hear it for Pop

Yea----Pop weighed 140.5 this AM. (I am going to have to fix lasagna every weekend.) He spent a quiet day yesterday, resting, visiting with family, and watching football---too bad Dallas and KC canceled their games---they did didn't they?

Pop is ready to get today's testing out of the way. He is really feeling well except for the fatigue. We plan to go early to the appointment to request/assure we get the shoulders included in the CT study.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Guess Who's here?

(Ryan is helping me blog today.) The VA Ashpoles have arrived. They went to the Hockey game last night. It was nice to see them win.

Pop is a little under the weather this morning, visited, rested, read the paper and now napping. Planning on having everyone over for lasagna--then more resting and napping for Pop.

Pop's agenda this week: CT/lab work on Monday and Gastro on Wednesday. Wouldn't be surprised if Pop needs packed cell/platelet transfusions this week. Will keep you posted.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Looking Forward to VA Ashpole Visit

The VA Ashpoles are expected in today. We are looking forward to a great visit. Pop has asked Kevin to get hockey tickets for tonight's game. (Pop is not up to going but wants the kids to get their Wichita fix of hockey while they are here.)

Pretty much status quo for Pop---that is good!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Another dog picture--sorry

This how most evenings are spent at our house---the fireplace going, TV on, reading, visiting, and snuggling dogs everywhere. Spencer got the honors of being Pops right hand "boy" last night.

We spent a quiet Christmas day at home (as planned). Keith, Becky, and boys came for a visit and brought over a wonderful meal for us.

Pop slept well last night, has no pain, getting stronger, good appetite, and learning to pace activities so he does not get so winded. It is amazing how he has improved since the symptoms first started in August. What a trial it was to get a diagnosis and begin treatment--think the Dr's thought "let's just make this ole 71 year old comfortable." Obviously, they were unaware of the ole 71 year olds' fight or the lion walking by his side.

My endless request---Please continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Seems Wednesday's are rough for Pop following the Monday chemo. Pop napped most of yesterday and we watched football by the fire in the evening. We had a wonderful surprise---some friends we hadn't seen for a long time stopped by to visit. Also, had calls from out of town family/friends to wish us Merry Christmas.

We are very blessed to have wonderful family and friends---your good thoughts and prayers are appreciated---thanks so much!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Good Day for Pops!

Everything is going well. No side effects from chemo or injection. Isn't that great!!!???

Nothing new to report. We are so thankful to have progressed to this point and most of all thankful for all of you who have been there for us during Pop's illness. Your positive thoughts and prayers have provided great comfort for us-----thank you!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yesterday and future agenda

Chemo went great yesterday--lab work okay except platelets were down. We were home by 2:45pm! Pop feels great this AM, slept well last night, weight stable, and good appetite. Pop will skip chemo next week, have a CT of chest, abdomen, pelvis, lab on 12/29/2008 and EGD on 12/31/2008.

Remember yesterday's blog---I lost---I was intrusive. I asked the chemo nurse if she would ask Dr. Moore if we could include shoulders with the CT films on 12/29/2008. She suggested I speak with Dr. Moore's nurse. Did so after we got home to make same request. (Pop is having some slight discomfort in both shoulders--lesions were found when the 9/22/2008 bone scan was done.) Dr. Moore's nurse indicated a portion of the shoulder would show up on the CT chest portion. Not done with this yet----Shoulder(s) CT will be done and "not portion of shoulders." Will take this up with CT personnel on day of test. Dr. Moore should also be in office on that day. If it is muscular--good (we can massage it)----if it is increased lesions---let's be intrusive and treat it (maybe with radiation!!) Pop has to fast 4 hours, also drink barium prior and receive an injection prior to CT---He shouldn't have to do this more than one time. Can anyone out there help me locate a "How to be Less Intrusive Seminar?"

They gave Pop an Epogen injection to combat his chronic anemia. This will be given every 2 weeks. The common side effects are "flu-like symptoms: chills, fever, muscle aches, and fatigue." We all know Pop is not common and hopefully, will not get any of these side effects.

Please continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Off to lab and chemo today

Pop had a quiet weekend---appetite improving, a little more tired than usual but what the hey---it is too cold to be out/about and being tired is okay.

Taking pillow, blanket, and sack lunch for Pop for today's chemo appointment. The recliners they use to administer chemo are nice but do not fit Pop's bony butt/back well. We are getting into the swing of this regimen and learning to prepare accordingly. As for me--I plan on taking my MP3 player, will be with Pop and try to remain quiet and non intrusive during the chemo session. For the ones of you who know us---I ask you---who has the most difficult job today???!!!

This is another "Thank you Jan, for spoiling our dogs picture." Pop eats an Ambrosia apple each night. Thanks to Jan--he now has to share with the "boys." How could you deny those sweet things? (Click twice to enlarge pic)

Today's request remains the same--please keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Sunday, December 21, 2008


It's 13 degrees here (-4 wind chill)---Brrrrrr!!!! Know the AK, MN, and CO people are raising an eyebrow over that temperature---just remember this is KS and we are not acclimated to these temps. Pop deferred going to McD's this AM and is snoozing with his "boys" in his recliner. The sun is coming through the south window and it is real toasty inside. (Had to include a picture of the Klepper's house in May---now that's an eyebrow raising event----snow in May!)

Things are status quo here---and that is good. We watched the Dallas/Ravens game last night---shame on Dallas for playing their last game in the arena without benefit of defense players, quarterback, or coaches.

Pop is headed for another round of lab and chemotherapy tomorrow. He has had a great post chemo week and looking forward to the same next week. Have to say it over and over---the guy amazes me---such humility, strength, patience, etc. Am privileged and honored to be traveling along this journey with him.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers---please keep them coming Pop's way.


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Great Week!

This has been a great week! Can't even count that one puny day. Good appetite, weight staying stable, regaining strength, no aches/pains/ shortness of breath, etc.

Pop drove his truck yesterday to the McD's meeting. We ran errands in the afternoon. We ate a taco at Cortez, then home by the fireplace (with the "boys") to watch TV in the evening. We are really setting a pattern in our little social whirlwind of activities.

Pop plans a quiet day----more McD's, fireplace, TV, "boys", etc. This is truly a Great Week!!!

As always---keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way. A lot of people tell me "Caught Pop's blog today." That is great! Really curious and would love to know how many people are in on Pop's blog---please sign in.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Out and About

Pop had a good day yesterday. He was out and about during the day, ate well, and sat in front of the fireplace in the evening watching the Colts football game. He is out and about again today----just drove the truck to the McD's meeting. It is so great for him to be able to drive again.

We have a quiet day planned--maybe a drive to see the new Park City Arena. The sun is shining and just need to be out and about. Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't also go to the golf course for a short while today.

We are learning the meaning of living in the present and Presence. Please continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life is Good!!

These 3 "boys" are Pop's special buddies. Pop is not out of their site---they are on him. Pop and I have them all to ourselves now that Jan is gone. Spencer is having Jan withdrawl---thanks Jan! They are loving the company as much as we are.

Pop had a "rough" day yesterday---worn out and some aching with mild sore throat. Could be just a down day or a post chemo complaint day. Everyone reacts differently to chemo and we are uncertain how Gemzar will affect him. We both took naps after our bank outing, ate a home cooked meal, and spent the night in front of the fireplace watching strobe TV with a Burt Lancaster western thrown in for the finale. Pop feels better today, already dressed, reading the newspaper, munching, and planning on going to McD's meeting. Life is good!!

Expect some moisture today ((rain or snow). Plan a store/post office run (after McD's meeting) then possibly another nap, more fireplace/TV watching/ magazine/book reading, etc. Life is good!!

As always, please continue to keep those prayers and good thoughts coming Pop's way. Thanks to all----life is good!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bye Jan

Jan left this AM. She wanted me to tell you--she enjoyed her visit with Pop and family. She also wanted me to tell Taylor (0n this blog) that she skunked me in canasta and was looking forward to a re-match. Was wonderful having her visit---really meant a lot to Pop (and all of us).

Pop is a fighter, weighing in at 137 lbs this AM, getting stronger by the day, no side effects from Monday's chemo, still has good appetite, sleeping well, getting out and about, and such a positive attitude. I am humbled by being with him---he is so gracious and thankful for all of his family and friends.

We plan an outing everyday--yesterday, following the McD's meeting we went to Leekers for a shopping trip. (John Leeker is the best---he visited with Pop and offered to deliver groceries to the house for us if we were unable to get out.) Today, following the McD's meeting we are going to the post office and bank. Hopefully, the bank will also offer to deliver money to us if we are unable to get out. Know you are all must be anxious to know about these senior citizen excursions.

Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snowing and loving it

Pop is sleeping, eating well, and staying in where it is warm. Still doing well from yesterday's chemo. The transfusion also did wonders to relieve his shortness of breath. Amazing when the blood count is better the body gets better---Yea for modern medicine!

We are planning a quiet day enjoying Jan's last day with us in Wichita. Pop and I have really enjoyed the visit. Will miss seeing her parade around in that Brett Farve T-shirt on football game day.

It is great to see/have Pop feeling better----really noticeable. Please continue with those good thoughts and prayers.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Long Day for Pop

Pop had lab drawn, received the 2 kinds of chemo at Dr. Moore's office, followed by 2 units of packed cells at the hospital. We were gone from 8:30am to 8:30pm. The Porta-cath was great!!!

Pop tolerated all very well and is now in the family room with the "boys" and Jan watching the Monday night football game. It was more traumatic for the "boys" today as they really missed there recliner buddy.

Off to chemo today

Please send good wishes that Pop's chemo is a positive experience today. This will be the first day to use the "Power Port" (porta-cath) and also the first day for the Taxol/Gemzar protocol. Pop is much healthier going into this round of chemo than ever before and should do well.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pop's progress

Pop is continuing to hold his own and drove again today to join his McD group for a bull session.

He is bracing up for more chemo sessions 12/15, 12/22, 01/05 with a CT thrown in for good measure on 12/29/2008. He is going into these rounds of chemo in better shape than before.

Jan will be leaving on Wednesday---it has been a great visit for all of us. What fun we have had just hanging around and enjoying each others company. Know Jan will also miss our pathetic, spoiled pups.

The VA Ashpoles are eagerly expected 12/27/2008 for a visit. Our friends and family has been so supportive to us. Each and everyone of you have been wonderful---ask that you continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Windy here in KS---Pop's on the move

Pop continues to do well...sleeping and eating well. We are setting up a precedent---fireplace/TV vegging the last several evenings. Jan and I may even become TV Western Movie buffs. Having Pop's company is great---the western movie thing is iffy.

Pop not only drove the truck to the golf course yesterday but added Valley Center and the new arena to his tour agenda. He just left (drove the truck again) for the McD's meeting.

If you get a chance---check out Lindsay's blog. Really sweet----what a gal!

Keep the prayers and good thoughts coming Pop's way. (He has his first chemo round of Taxol/Gemzar on Monday---through the new Porta-cath.)


Friday, December 12, 2008

Great day for Pop!----Sun out, McD's meeting, temperature up, drove truck to golf course, ate well, and napped this afternoon. Nothing like sunshine and being out and about to make a guy feel better.

Continue the good thoughts and prayers----by jove---I think it's working!!!!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Porta-cath inserted

Pop is home and doing well (snoozing) from porta-cath insertion. This will be wonderful for blood drawing/chemo infusion. Dr. Beamer indicated Pop could stop one of the GI medications and would see him 12/31/2008 for the EGD.

Should receive the ECHO report sometime today. Jan and I feel confident that they would have asked Pop to stay if the test results required additional treatment.

Plan to stay in and stay warm today---we still have snow on the ground. Pop still has a great appetite and back muscles are better this AM.

Thanks again for the good thoughts and prayers for Pop. Keep them coming!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good appt for Pop

The appt with Dr. Kelley went well. Back discomfort (muscular) can be irritation caused by radiation and will resolve. Dr. Kelley addressed Pop's shortness of breath and indicated it was most likely due to being anemic (which we already suspected). Next appt with Dr. Kelley will be in 2 months. Pop felt good about the appointment. Glad Jan could also be at appointment.

More tomorrow following the Porta Cath insertion appointment. (The Porta Cath is an IV catheter inserted under the collar bone area to allow chemo and blood drawing to be less tedious.)


Another busy day for Pop

Off to see the radiology oncologist this AM. Appt. was to be 12/18/2008 but Pop has reported some stiffness and discomfort in his low back and shoulders---(You'd think he'd learn by now not to tell me this stuff). I called the office yesterday and asked if it wouldn't be a good idea to see him earlier since he is symptomatic and was not having these complaints at last exam (of course at last exam he was on considerable pain medication.) Dr. Kelley agreed and worked Pop in today. Pop has great MD's---Dr. Kelley's usual office appt. day is Thursday.

We all stayed around the fireplace last evening. Second time Pop has been down to the family room since October. Pop is verbally resistance but physically compliant with assistance on the stairs. Jan and I had a canasta tournament while Pop watched every station available on cable. The TV, at 80+ decibels appeared almost strobe-like at times.

Thank you for continuing to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers---especially with all the scheduled procedures, appts, chemo, etc.


PS: Lindsay and Lauren made it home safely (some delays with weather, lost luggage, etc. but safe.) It was great having them visit!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lauren and Lindsay left this AM. (Got them up at 4:30am to catch 6:13am flight.) Pop and I really enjoyed their visit (the "boys" did also.) Click twice on pic for better view.

Obtained Pop's upcoming schedule for appts/testing.
It is as follows: 2 D echo cardiogram to be done today. Porta cath line (to draw blood and deliver chemo/meds) will be inserted in neck/chest area 12/11/08 (we have to be at the facility at 6:00am). Lab/chemo (Taxol/Gemzar) on 12/15, 12/22, CT of abdomen/chest/pelvis on 12/29. Lab/MD appt/chemo on 01/05/2009. Also throw in appt with radiology oncologist on 12/18/2008 and EGD (gastro) on 12/31/2008 for good measure. Plan to test all of you on this schedule----will call it a take off on "Where's Waldo or Who's on First?" (Or better yet--Has anyone seen mom lately?)

Pop is anxious/glad to have today's test--supposedly it will help them determine why he so short of breath with exertion. He feels good except for some stiffness in the low back and the shortness of breath. His sleeping pattern is not the best---we are on the 3rd pillow purchase to help him be more comfortable.

Jan will be with us until 12/18/2008. Cannot begin to tell you how great this visit has been. Absolutely love her sick sense of humor especially when Pop is at a low point and talks about "turning 71 and being sick." She brings a smile to his face and we all have a great laugh--Pop included.

Has been quite a journey for Pop--especially this being sick stuff--he has never been ill. His spirit, trust, and graciousness humbles me. Please continue to keep prayers and good thoughts coming Pop's way.


PS--Lindsay is going home to these precious little ones:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Pop's Agenda

Just sittin around waiting to hear about scheduled tests. Called Dr. Moore's scheduler to request faxed appt info as well as copy of Friday's lab. Still waiting--still sitting (trying to be patient----eek!.)

We had a family taco, tostado, sancho fest yesterday. Pop ate well, not enough though--weighed in at 135 lbs this AM, did not sleep well last night--he felt he went to bed too early. He plans to stay awake past 7:00PM tonight and hopes it will help with sleeping.

One of his buddies just stopped by to take him to the "meeting" this AM.

Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Feeling Good and on the Go!

Pop had a good night's sleep, weighs 136.5 this AM, ate waffles/bacon with Lauren and Lindsay and feels well enough to drive self to today's McD's meeting. Life is good!

Planning a quiet day---visiting with company, watching football, eating, resting, etc. Life is good!

If I hadn't mentioned it before----Life is good!


MD visit and Pop's Agenda

Had questions, made list, saw doctor, and now waiting for a call to hear about all the scheduled appointments. Pop thought it was a good MD appointment---he really likes Dr. Moore, Jr. The 11/17/2008, PET scan was essentially the same as before (no primary noted), Dr. Moore will get copy of gastrin level but doubted it would show Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, a 2D echo will be scheduled (Pop reported increased shortness of breath with exertion), a porta cath will be inserted (have requested this to be coordinated with EGD so Pop will not have to undergo 2 separate procedures---we'll see what surgeon says--Dr. Moore is agreeable), chemo will resume next week (Taxol/Gemzar) if blood/platelet count is okay, referral to GI MD for medical GI maintenance, and followup appt. with Dr. Moore in 5 weeks. Pop feels good about moving forward with his care and is ready for all the appointments.

We are all looking forward to Lindsay and Lauren's arrival today. They will spend several days with us. Jan has not seen them since they were little girls.

Again, must tell you all of the friends and family we have are so wonderful with the encouraging messages, calls, cards, good wishes, etc. Really humbles us to know so many people care about Pop and our family. Thanks to each and everyone of you for your thoughtfulness and graciousness to us.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Appts and other things

Pop rested well last night, still has a good appetite and holding his own at 135 lbs. He has an oncology appt today for lab work, to obtain gastrin level/11/17/2008 PET scan results, discuss chemo plans, possibility of porta cath, etc.

Seems as though Pop is making up time for never seeing MD's in past---has an appt with the surgeon 12/11/2008 to discuss GB and scheduling repeat EGD exam for ulcers--has an appt with radiology oncologist 12/18/2008 to discuss radiation progress. Will see dentist soon for permanent filling from 10/16/2008 root canal. (No PT needed for this guy to regain strength--walking to and from car, getting in and out of car, walking in and out of MD appts---he has his own PT program going.)

In general, this has been a good week. Pop is resuming normal activities--(going to McD's, reading Sports Illustrated/newspaper, sitting with his "boys", playing hand held solitare game, and watching TV in the evenings, etc.)

Thanks to all of our friends and family members for all the help (meals, cards, leaf mulching, good thoughts, calls/messages, etc.) This is what keeps Pop going----he is so very humbled by your thoughtful caring.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Shootin the bull, drinking coffee, and tour of the town

Busy day planned today---Pop slept well last night and ate a good breakfast this AM. Today's plan: Already been to McD's (to shoot the bull), drank coffee with the group, resting up now for a town tour and visit the new Lowe's store.

Pop is really enjoying Jan's visit. Lauren and Lindsay are coming in this weekend. Linda, Kurt, Ryan, and Maddie will be here 12/27, with Kathy planning to return after the first of the year. It has been wonderful seeing everyone. Pop enjoys the company now that he is feeling better.

Blog late---sorry----we got side tracked: took the "boys" to the groomer and headed out on on our town tour/Lowe's visit. It was a great day. Thinking of entering Pop in the scooter Olympics--good turns, good back up maneuvers, and in general would rate him 9/10.

Pop has a post hospital visit with Dr. Moore tomorrow. Chemo, lab work, 11/17/2008 PET scan results as well as gastrin level will be discussed.

Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pop drove the truck to the golf course yesterday, visited with his golf buddies and then let me drive him to McD's for the "meeting." (First time I have ever driven the truck.)
Pop is eating better--(thanks Vicki and Joe for the enchiladas, refried beans, chips and framed pic of the lasagna clan). He weighed in at a strapping 135 lbs this AM. In general, says he is feeling better. Plan to take Jan for a tour of Wichita today. It is windy and cold, good day for being in the car.

Pop is getting ready to leave for the McD meeting. The cancer group asked if he wanted to join a support group while he was in the hospital. Pop declined--said he had his own support group. Thanks to all his McD buddies for being there for him!

As always, please keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Napping "boys"

Restful day with the "boys" yesterday following the outing---not just to Walmart but also Target. Pop used a scooter---Jan and I had to pace ourselves to keep up with him.

Pop is eating good, resting better, and getting stronger. He plans to go to the golf course today to get his golf clubs and then to coffee with the McD group. He feels he is up to driving. I will ride with him to golf course and we will see. Vicki and Joe are fixing chicken enchiladas for our supper.

(Linda--see the hockey stick in the back ground behind the chair. It has remained there since Kurt gave it to him. Kurt told Pop to keep it close by in case he needed to "check" me. Pop plans to thank Joel in person for the stick---thank you for coordinating such a fine gift!)

Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pops way!


Monday, December 1, 2008

The Lasagna Clan

Pop enjoyed yesterday with out of town family members. Denise also came for lunch. What a group!!! Found out more about the Colgans and Ashpoles than you would ever want to know----Whew!!!

Pop is eating well and doing more each day. Figured up he had been in the hospital for approx 23 days since Oct 28th. Think he doing great considering all the down time he has had. (Note the shirt---thanks Kat! One of his favorites---will be happy when he fills it out a little better.) Remember you can double click to enlarge the pic.

We are planning a road trip to Walmart today (his request) and he plans to use one of the motorized scooters----Watch out shoppers!!!
