Had fun playing cards yesterday. Lost, but had fun. Was home by 4:00pm, fed, played w/the "boys", and watched the Olympics sans fire. It was too late to start the fireplace.
Expecting the firewood to be delivered later this afternoon---the weather was too windy and brutally cold to have it delivered last weekend. Good timing---more wet, possibly snow weather predicted in the next few days.

Off to Mass this AM, make some phone calls, volunteer for food prep at the Lord's Diner, late lunch w/friend, be here for firewood delivery, and class at SLC this evening to learn more about St. Paul. (Do you see a pattern developing here?----Out/about looking and trying to find Spring.) It cannot come soon enough. Am really getting excited to get out and do the garden shop hop at the local nurseries. Hopefully, my shade garden that I moved last year has survived the cold winter. I covered everything with mulch and tucked them in well for winter.
Hope your day is one of peace, health, safety, and staying in touch.
Love, Mom
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