Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Weather and Ma Report

Nine degrees, no wind, still dark, lots of snow still on the ground here. Checked the weather and saw that Gilmer, TX is expecting some rain/snow---do they even have winter coats and snow shovels in that part of the world? Blowing snow in Brooklyn and Bristow, VA. One of our TX crew is in DC/VA area on business---take care dear----hope you brought your boots. Enough of the weather.

Busy day planned. Mass, volunteering at rectory, lunch w/friend, load more wood in the firewood racks, and get ready to settle in this evening w/the "boys." Am thinking I might have to have surgery before the winter to remove the "boys" from my lap/hip/rear end---sometimes I feel they are permanently affixed. Either that or join a syncopated/synchronized/something class as they follow my every motion/movement and should perform with excellence in a formal class.
Hope your day is not full of trivia or you will be classified as worthless. Remember, I am retired and can be trivial---you are employed and must be productive. Repeat after me.....

Take care to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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