The Bishop's talk last night on Penance was great. Not only practical but relevant especially with Lent approaching. He also has a great sense of humor. He spent a lot of time in Rome but following his ordination he was assigned as an assistant pastor at the Newman Center on the campus of University of Nebraska. His point in mentioning this was making confession available to people at a practical time. When he started his talk on this he mentioned the University of Nebraska and humorously said "now all please bow your heads." He mentioned to the pastor if you expect this age group to come to confession you have it at an hour they will attend. Thus, he was the one assigned to hear confessions from 10:00pm to midnight---and guess what?---they came in great numbers. Nice evening---even the wind even ceased blowing. Everything was so still and quiet when we left the SLC.
Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, help with funeral dinner this afternoon, then home to watch more of the Olympics by the fireplace w/you know who. Think I could sneak down w/o them? Yeah---right. Saw the tulips popping through the ground yesterday---Is it Spring yet?
Hope your day is peaceful, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
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