Check out the "
dooos." Grooming report: Buster and Rowdy shook all over, whined, cried all the way to the groomer. Spencer sat on his pillow, in perfect form, best behavior looking out the window enjoying the ride and taking in the scenery. Hard to get them all in one place but wanted to share their post grooming looks with you (Again, Spencer performed perfectly---check out the poses). All looked great and were very tired all evening. Looks I am the winner on grooming days, time off and tired "boys" all evening.
Back from Mass, volunteering at the rectory, made phone calls, plan on loading more firewood on the outside patio rack, and running errands the remainder of the day. Did I tell you the SUN is out?----Yea!!!!!
Hope your day is great; remember none of us are getting younger so we should stay healthy, be safe and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
C'mon, admit it! You had a dog treat in your hand when you took Spencer's pic.
Nice photos, of nice boys.
Thanks----should not have caught Buss on the run---he was realy blurry. They really are great "boys".
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