Came home yesterday from the all day class, went to Mass, baked a peach and a cherry crisp, restocked the patio and inside firewood racks (in the dark), cleaned dog doo off my shoes, and after cleaning my shoes, enjoyed a great night in front of the fireplace watching the Olympics with my pup posse.
Twenty-seven degrees, windy, wind chill blows that frigid air right through your bones. Planning on taking down the wind chimes for awhile today. Know the neighbors will thank me. Expecting rick of firewood to be delivered this afternoon. May go to Mass this AM. Hoping to hear the gals are ready to play cards or I will be forced to have a crisp fest on my own. May even have to break out the cards, play four handed cards by myself (rotating into chairs around the table) if they aren't up for cards.
That's my day--hope yours is great. Enjoy the rest of your weekend staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom
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