Friday, October 17, 2008

Long week for Pop

Prostate Biopsy to be done on Monday. Received call from Dr. Moore's office. He S/W urologist and they decided prostate biopsy is needed. Procedure will be done at 2:00pm. Results should be ready and will be discussed 10/23/2008, 10:30am appt. w/Dr. Moore.
Have a great weekend---continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. Kevin is taking Pop to hockey tomorrow night.


klrm in va said...

Beginning Thursday it is Red Ribbon Week to support drug free schools. Let Papa Sonny know that the first day is 'Stay in the Game-Be Drug Free" and the kids are to wear their favorite jersey to school. Our Wichita Thunder jerseys are ready!!!!


Just Ma said...

How great is that?----Pop was so funny about insisting that I bring them to the kids. Hope the kids don't get Booooo'd wearing them. Thunder is doing poorly. The season is still young---there are still several of the key players waiting to get their "papers" (from Canada)to come into the country to play. Pop loved hearing the kids will be wearing the jerseys.