Thursday, October 23, 2008

More testing scheduled to rule out cancer

Dr. Moore indicated the bone marrow testing was negative for cancer. Does admit there is some kind of process going on in the bones and plans more testing. Still waiting on prostate biopsy result. Dr. Moore indicated "bone lesions" may be the result of the long standing abscessed tooth or possibly PMR. He did put calls into Drs. Buth, Illera, and Steinberger while we were in office.
More tests are scheduled--
--10/28/2008: CT guided biopsy of the lumbar spine lesion at 9:00am at St Francis Hospital. (He will then stay for 4-5 hours at bedrest as an out patient.)
--10/30/2008: PET Scan at 12:15pm.
--11/04/2008: Appt w/Dr. Moore to discuss results.

--Called Dr. Moore's office and requested a culture and sensitivity (C&S) testing be included with the pathology study of the 10/28/2008 biopsy. (If cancer ruled out need to look for other things such as a systemic infectious process). Received call back indicating C&S would be done.
--Called Dr. Illera's office to discuss today's MD appt and ask if possibly increase in prednisone would be recommended in case this is a major PMR flare up.

Dr. Moore uncertain what to do if cancer ruled out---Remember his expertise is cancer--that is one reason I am taking it upon myself to also make calls to the other MD's to discuss options while we are awaiting further testing.

Keith was also at the appointment. We both had a lot of questions to ask Dr. Moore. Keith said he was glad he did not have to use the shock collar on me today. Dr. Moore is methodical in his thinking/processing and providing appropriate care for Pop---testing is just not happening fast enough.

Pop still has a poor appetite, trying to eat, and has lost 13 lbs since this started. The pain medication has really slowed him down both physically and mentally. We stopped and got him a large chocolate malt on the way home. He ate 1/4 of it , took a pain pill and is now napping. He went to bed yesterday at 3:30pm, woke up at 2:00am, and back up at 6:00am.

Dr. Illera's nurse just called back---gave her update on Pop. Expect call back in 1/2 to 1 hour with a plan. (If Dr. Illera agrees to increase prednisone and we see pain reduced will contact Dr. Buth's office to ask about proper way to taper narcotics so Pop doesn't have withdrawl problems.)



Vicki said...

Call us -- if you need something/anything..I hate to call and wake the house.

klrm in va said...

Did they give you any indication when the prostate biopsy results would be available?

Just Ma said...

KLRM: The results should be available the first of the week. Done Monday late afternoon----probably not to lab until next day. Dr. Steinberger's nurse out of office today. On call nurse indicated could take up to a week if 6 biopsies were done. Will call back his nurse on Monday to obtain results and confirm they know there is more testing in the works.