Pop had a good night's sleep, no pain this am, ate a fair breakfast, no after effects of chemo, and hopefully off to a great day.
Kelli and I will drop Pop off at McD's this AM. Neither of us feel we would be accepted into the club and will busy ourselves elsewhere while the meeting is in session. Kurt loved the McD's gatherings and will most likely be experiencing withdrawl symptoms for several mornings.
Dr. Kelley (radiology oncologist) visited with us following yesterday's radiation appt. He recommended reducing one of the regular pain medications starting next Wednesday and then discussing more reductions if positive results. Next appt. with Dr. Kelley is 12/18/2008. There are more appts. scheduled for Pop. PET scan and last radiation will be Monday, 11/17/2008, lab and MD appt. with Dr. Moore, 11/19/2008 to discuss lab and PET scan results. Chemo schedule/protocol will be also be reviewed. Pop is currently on a 3 weeks on, one week off chemo schedule. Let's keep our fingers crossed the current treatment plan has been successful in reducing the bone lesions. The combination of the chemo/radiation has reduced the pain in his back.
Please continue to keep your good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.
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