Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gallbladder stays, food stays, Pop stays

Pop will most likely be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital. They did a HIDA scan yesterday to check the function of the gallbladder. It is functioning and since Pop is a surgery risk----the removal of it will be delayed. If it acts up again it will be removed. Tube feedings as well as food by mouth is in progress. They may do an endoscopy to take a look at his esophagus since he mentioned some difficulty swallowing.

Pop will be taking a 3 week hiatus from chemo to regain some strength. Lauren and Lindsay are planning on a visit 12/6 thru 12/9---so the timing is perfect and he is looking forward to their visit.

Must tell all----this man is a saint to go through what he has and still have patience and graciousness to all those who care for him. WOW---I want to grow up and be just like him! Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pops' way.


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