Saturday, November 1, 2008

Chemo and Radiation Plans

Pop received his first chemo yesterday, saw the radiology oncologist, had a borderline CT and will have a borderline PET scan on Monday. Then should also receive his first radiation therapy treatment on Monday. The combination of the both should chemo and radiation should help reduce the tumors in his bone, also actually work on the primary, alleviate the severe pain, make it possible to begin reduction of some of the medication, and restore him back to "normal" activities. Read the 10/28/2008 bone biopsy report: Diagnosis is "Carcinoma with neuro endocrine features." The markers for lung and prostate were negative. They suspect the primary was from either pancreas or small bowel. The borderline PET scan will possibly find primary and allow the MD's to compare in the future to see progress of chemo/radiation effects on the tumors. Both chemo and radiation are lo dose and should be well tolerated. Radiation therapy will be daily/chemo once a week.

Pop will most likely be released from hospital Monday or Tuesday of next week. They have increased his Prednisone so he is eating better.

We need to take each day as it comes and be thankful we are progressing forward with treatment in the hands of good MD's. Pop is a great patient, very complient, and just wanting to get better. Let's hear it for progress and keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


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