We now have a new accessory in our living room (next to Pop's recliner). Linda contacted the Thunder to request a signed poster for Pop. They went one step better---all the players signed a stick---Kurt picked it up and gave it to Pop yesterday. Pop was speechless. Way to go Linda---what a hit--Pop loved it!
To this point--Pop has tolerated his chemo (2) rounds)/radiation(4 doses) well. The only noted side effects from chemo: bad taste in mouth following the infusion, slight headache, and fatigue for a couple of days. His strength is returning. He is getting around better and reporting less pain.
Terry plans to leave tomorrow. Kurt will be leaving on Thursday morning. Kelli will be here on Thursday. Kat will be here the 22nd. Jan in the 27th. (Know I have already repeated some of this). Pop has really enjoyed the visits. (I have also--but have to remember this is not about me).
Continue to keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.
What a wonderful gift for the Thunder to give!!!!
We sure missed Sonny at the game last night, just wasn't the same without him.
We are all praying for you Sonny here at our house. Keep getting stronger and we hope to see you soon.
Julie thanks for keeping a blog, we really appreciate the updates. Let us know what and when we can do anything to help you guys out!
All our love
Julie, Paul, Alex and Kyle Wiens
Thanks. It was great of the Thunder--and to take it one step better---the stick belonged to Jason Duda. Sonny loves his hockey. Kevin told Pop he would take him to even one period if he felt like it. We'll see.
The Blog has been great to let everyone "hear" the same thing.
Appreciate your offers and prayers.
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