Friday, November 7, 2008

Think Pop is getting there

Pop has covered lots of mileage and been down a lot of roads since this journey began. He had another good day yesterday--lab work came back "good", eating better, less pain in back, walked around the nursing station circle, watched some TV, snoozed, and admitted he was getting bored. Plan today is to receive 4th radiation treatment, chemo, in addition to more of the above. The goal is for dismissal home on Saturday.

Dr. Kelley visited with all of us yesterday, indicated radiation was going as planned, radiation approach through the hips to the back would hopefully alleviate GI upset, proceed with the ten sessions (daily, except on weekends), continue same medications as in hospital, anticipated would require less pain medication for back, would plan to take more x-rays the first of December. Suggested Pop receive pain medication prior to each radiation treatment---which we had already been doing.

Know all of you will continue to keep positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


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