Good day for Pop. Was ravenous upon awaking (thanks to the 10mg of Prednisone), ate a great breakfast/lunch/dinner, had no side effects from the chemo, showered, wore T-shirt/pajamas and watched football on TV between snoozing. Am going to ask about the possibility of ordering some appetite enhancer medication so we can reduce the Prednisone. The increased Prednisone has been great but may compromise his immune system.
Kevin stayed with him this afternoon while Terry and I went to Church. One of Pop's golf/Mickey D gang stopped by for a visit. Am thinking more and more that the Mickey D's group goes back as far as the western indians and have a feeling they are going to be sending out their scouts to visit and report back how the "chief" is doing. This is the second scout that has stopped by. Would really be interesting to hear their report. These old guys are worse than a geriatric women's knitting group for knowing the news about everyone in the north end. I walked the boys this AM and had 4 north enders stop me to get an update. Where are those scouts when you need them---our walk took almost an hour?
Tomorrow he starts the diet prep (no carbohydrates, caffiene) for Monday's PET scan. Think they are also going to do some radiation on Monday. They have already marked the "X" spots of on his back and hips.
It has been a tough and long week for all of us. Be assured Pop has the upmost respect and confidence in all of his MD's. Medicine has a lot to offer but is limited. Pop's spirit has to stay strong. The strength of his spirit depends on each one of us keeping good thoughts and prayers coming his way and will provide more healing than any medicine.
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